Centre for Indigenous Policy & Research

Sarah Carrier

Sarah Carrier is a Cree creative currently residing in Dish with One Spoon territory (Toronto). [...]

Rayna Martens

Tānisi. Rayna nisiyīkāson. Ê-nêhiyâwiyân ôma. Poundmaker ohci niya. My name is Rayna. I am a [...]

Tija Hauta

Tija Hauta is a Métis and mixed white-settler woman. Her educational background is in environmental [...]

Sasha Simmons

Sasha Simmons (she/her) is a mixed Black femme community organizer living in Tio'tia:ke / Montréal, [...]

Nicole Geary

Nicole Geary is a mixed Sahtu-Dene x Settler woman with an unbroken matrilineal connection to [...]

Megan Lewis

Megan Lewis is a young, queer, mixed Kanien’keha:ka (Mohawk) woman and member of Tyendinaga Mohawk [...]

Kim Wakeford

My name is Kim Wakeford (she/they) and I am a researcher, writer, and policy wonk [...]