Sarah Carrier
Sarah Carrier is a Cree creative currently residing in Dish with One Spoon territory (Toronto). [...]
Sarah Carrier is a Cree creative currently residing in Dish with One Spoon territory (Toronto). [...]
Tānisi. Rayna nisiyīkāson. Ê-nêhiyâwiyân ôma. Poundmaker ohci niya. My name is Rayna. I am a [...]
Tija Hauta is a Métis and mixed white-settler woman. Her educational background is in environmental [...]
Sasha Simmons (she/her) is a mixed Black femme community organizer living in Tio'tia:ke / Montréal, [...]
Nicole Geary is a mixed Sahtu-Dene x Settler woman with an unbroken matrilineal connection to [...]
Megan Lewis is a young, queer, mixed Kanien’keha:ka (Mohawk) woman and member of Tyendinaga Mohawk [...]
My name is Kim Wakeford (she/they) and I am a researcher, writer, and policy wonk [...]
IYR is a registered charity that provides Indigenous youth led leadership, learning and experiences to every youth that participates in our programs. We provide programming, grants, and opportunities that are grounded in Indigenous ways of knowing and being.
Indigenous Youth Roots. All rights reserved. Registration number 832296602RR0001.
Website by Design de Plume Inc.