Creation offers three types of grants – General Granting Streams, Emerging Needs Streams, and Partnership Streams – and different kinds of projects may be eligible for different types of grants.  

General Granting Streams: 

  • Creation’s core funding streams, namely: Youth Empowerment Stream, Small Project Funding, Medium Project Funding, Large Project Funding, Scaling Growth Stream, and Multi-Year Funding  
  • We call these “General Granting Streams” because there are very few restrictions on what kind of projects Creation will fund in these streams 
  • If the project is led by Indigenous youth and will positively impact Indigenous youth and/or their communities, then that project is eligible for funding in these streams! (Please note however that Creation cannot provide funding to projects that are political in nature, or that involve the distribution of alcohol, drugs, or other mind-altering substances) 
  • Examples of past projects funded in these streams include: starting a youth council, running a community meals on wheels program, hosting a podcast, hosting a gathering, offering leadership capacity building workshops, Indigenous language classes, creating and sustaining a community garden, creating a social media app for Indigenous youth, etc. 

 Emerging Needs Streams: 

  • These streams are targeted themed streams designed to help meet current needs in Indigenous communities, as identified by Creation’s Advisory Circle 
  • As such, the actual streams offered change year-to-year, and the kinds of projects funded also change, depending on the theme of the offered streams 
  • For Emerging Needs Streams, we recommend checking the “Project Summary” and “Project Focus Areas” in the relevant Funding Guide to see what kinds of projects are eligible for funding! 

Partnership Streams: 

  • These streams are offered in partnership with one of Creation’s sponsors, and generally have specific requirements that distinguish them from Creation’s General Funding Streams 
  • Requirements may be tied to geographic location, community type, or project type, and different Partnership Streams will have different requirements 
  • Like the Emerging Needs Streams, the actual streams offered and kinds of projects funded change year-to-year, depending on active partnerships 
  • As such, for Partnership Streams, it is also recommended to check the “Project Summary” and “Project Focus Areas” in the relevant Funding Guide to see what kinds of projects are eligible for funding!