Elder Contributors

Elder Roseann Martin

Roseann Martin is from the Mi’gmaq Nation in Listuguj Quebec and is a member of the Coyote Clan. Roseann is a Residential School Survivor-Sixties Scoop and the Indian Day School Survivor. Roseann has spent 30 years healing from all this and today she shares her healing experiences through ceremony. One day at a time!

A Mi'gmaq Elder stands wearing regalia

Elder Kahienes Sky

Kahienes is a Kenien’keha:ka woman of the Ronathahion:ni/Wolf Clan from the small Kanien’keha:ka community known as Kahnawake (located on the South Shore of Montreal). In 2021, she resigned her 20 year role as a Social Counsellor with the Kahnawake Survival School to pursue her passion of continuing to share, learn, and grow with People through her personal venture: Sky Woman Circles.

Kahienes is a Community Helper in many facets and holds a B.A. in Arts & Sciences with a specilization in Human Relations. She has walked with/assisted her own People and other Nations in the fields of Health, Wellness, and Justice for most of her life. She therefore has a colourful Medicine Basket that is filled with knowledge and skills that she draws upon to help people in their own personal and inter-personal growth needs that may one day enable them to make healthier and choices when faced with life’s wonderful dilemmas.

An Elder wearing a red shirt and blue ribbon skirt smiles for a photo.

Elder Zippie Nochasak

Zippie is originally from Nain Nunatsiavut now living in Ottawa. She is a passionate Inuk Knowledge Keeper who continues to share Inuit culture, language and the arts. Zippie is an active community member representing, sharing and creating relationships with the greater Inuit community, organization(s) and various institution(s). Zippe is also fluent in three Inuktitut dialects and is the Inuit Language Keeper in Residence for Carleton University with Inuit Futures. Zippie still practices her traditional skills and teaches Inuit how to sew Inuit parkas, sealskin mitts, and sealskin jewelry. Zippie also hosts Inuit Zoom Groups and Elders Virtual Tea for Inuit all across Canada and the world.

Some of her many accomplishments include:

  • Presentations on Inuit history in Canada about Nunatsiavut, Nunavik, Nunavut and Inuvialuit Regions
  • Cultural Advisor for Ujarak Northern Film Initiative. Elder for Indigenous Youth Gathering
  • Former President of  the Native Women’s Association for Labrador
  • Board Member for Labrador Inuit Association (For Upper Lake Melville, Labrador)
  • Former Minister for Lands and Natural Resources and Status of Women for Nunatisavut Governement


The Whale, The Wolf, and the Moon


The three-fold generational connection of the Whale, the Wolf, and the Moon represents what IYR has envisioned in connecting Indigenous youth, parents, and Elders back to our traditional ways of life. The intention of this flash card deck is to enliven the spirituality of our Elders and make it accessible to youth in times of difficulty and disconnection. The language used by the Elders description of the cards is accessible to folks of all ages and the photos designed by Indigenous youth artists across Turtle Island offer a visual “flash card” recognition for those working with even younger children.

When initially meeting with the Elder’s who contributed to this project we asked them 3 questions.

  • What teachings do you believe youth need to carry in their bundle to help them feel a deeper connection with Creator and Mother Earth?
  • What daily practices can support youth’s mental health and lift their spirits in times of need?
  • Are there any stories, animals, teachings, or medicines that carry a significance in the development of youth?

Out of the conversations that came from these questions, we found a total of 52 symbols, medicines, stories, items, or animals that we could create into flash cards to act as a physical manifestation of our intention; to empower youth in their spiritual healing.

Each Elder brought the teachings of their Nations, as did the youth we met within our programming. As each card was developed, the youth within IYR’s Culture and Wellness team thought it important to also add a small handful of their own card recommendations to ensure even more youth representation within the deck.

The Title

Many evolutionary biologists have concluded through fossil evidence that whales descended from a land mammal that shares ancestry with wolves. Our Indigenous knowledge goes deeper than this, offering a stronger understanding of the relationship between both whale and wolf in their honouring of Grandmother Moon. This generational recognition makes its way through our own understanding of ourselves and our relationship with Grandmother Moon. Grandmother Moon’s cycles offer all of us hope in the darkest times of our life. Following her flow allows us to honour our own cycles of emotions and circumstances. Our identity as Indigenous peoples is rooted in caring for future generations, and honouring the way that youth will continue to build the next society, seven generations forward.

The whale is connected to Grandmother Moon, as the tides of her home are pushed and pulled by the moon’s energy. The whale is effortlessly connected to the highs and lows of this energetic flux. Although she thrives in the deepest parts of the ocean, the whale still must still breathe air. For time immemorial, our Nations have witnessed her emergence to the surface to inhale an immeasurable breath and glimpse at the moon that controls the pressures of her environment, only to descend in the depths again. The whale teaches us the strength required during the heaviest times of life and the hope that exists, knowing we will always return to the surface. She visits us in our dreams and whispers, “if I can do it, so can you.”

The wolf is the teacher; she lives, hunts, and is guided by the light of Grandmother Moon. Their hunting and mating cycles are punctuated by the light from Grandmother moon in all her phases. In the foreground of the wolves’ nocturnal cycles, is their pack-based lifestyle. They emphasize the importance of teaching their young the ways of survival in the night. The patient leader often follows the pack from behind, to watch and protect even the slowest and weakest. Their remembrance and sanctity of their ways inspire us to ensure the conservation of our own lifestyles through the empowerment of youth. As the wolf sings her songs to her pack, Grandmother Moon hears the howls and echoes back “I have seen you survive through all generations, the next will thank you for your work and I will remember you.”

How To Use The Cards

This deck is intended to be used for two main uses. The first being a simple flash card deck for Elders, parents, or teachers to share each lesson, or learn about the teachings of different Nations. The cards can be shared as one per day (or week or any length of time) to allow for focus on reading through the descriptions and to do further independent research to familiarize yourself with the concept. The second use can be similar to an “oracle deck.” Decks like these are made with a more spiritual intention as intuited by the Elders we connected with during the creation process. If you choose to use the cards in this way, ensure that you regard their spiritual content as part of your bundle. Don’t forget to smudge them, keep them in a sacred space, and use them with respect.

Oracle decks can be used in any way that resonates with you. On some days you may choose to ask your spirit guides “show me one card that will be my lesson for today.” You would then proceed to pick one and study or pray on the content. You may also choose to pick multiple cards regarding a question such as “what should I look out for in this situation?” or “what is coming for me in the next year?”

The way the cards come out and speak to you is all intuitive and up to the user how it will be understood. When one card comes out with another they are meant to be read together. For example, if the drums and shakers card comes out it can mean there will be some change and forward movement. However, if the drums and shakers card comes out in connection to the earth card it may mean that there has been too much movement and change and it’s time to ground and find some stability. Always take what resonates and leave what doesn’t.

This deck was made to enhance your creativity and the power that already resides in you.

The Cards

The Bear represents a quiet strength, the courage it takes to silence the mind and turn inwards. Her teachings come during her hibernation period, when she reminds us of the importance of rest and reflection. If the bear is coming to you in spirit, now is the time to take a breath and allow her protection to come over you.

Cedar is one of the four sacred medicines. Its power is found in its sound and its smell. Hearing the cracks of the Cedar as it lights is the spark needed to stimulate your intention. The fresh smell immediately opens the lungs to new inspiration. We turn to Cedar when we are feeling stuck and need to break out of a heavy energy. When Cedar’s energy comes to you it is time to trigger a new beginning. Harness this creativity and ride the wave of rejuvenation.

The Garden is where we connect to our first family. In the garden we are rooted and fertilized; this is where we are the most cared for. When we take care of Mother Earth’s body in the garden, we are taking care of our own body and being. Here is the purest essence of life. If the garden’s medicine is coming to you, it is time to prioritize healing. Connect to the things and people that nourish you. Root deeply into your community and allow yourself to grow where you belong.

The Sky Dome is a design found in Haudenosaunee artwork. It is drawn in a number of different ways by different artists, however the original essence is to have the earth plane with a dome over the top representing sky world. Inside the dome (Mother Earth) is a tree, flower, plant, any form of life and above the dome (Sky World) is the same life form. This represents the balance and communication between the Sky World and ours. The Sky Dome is a depiction of total peace and interconnectedness. It holds everything we need to be grateful. If the Sky Dome is bringing itself to you this is a time to observe your life and all the things you have been blessed with. Creator touches our lives in all kinds of ways, remember to see his gifts through thankful eyes.

The strawberry is often called the “heart berry” because in several Indigenous languages the word strawberry refers to the heart. Its energy of course resonates with love in all forms. How we receive love, give love, grow love in the world around us, and our connection to love from spirit. Our purpose here on earth is to experience and create love; for our relations, for the earth, and for ourselves. The strawberry’s energy helps us to root our spirits in joy and harmony to allow ourselves the sweetness of life. If this card is coming up for you it may mean it’s time to find the simple joys of life and expand your heart space.

The Thunderbeings or the Grandfather Thunderers are the changemakers of Mother Earth’s cycles. They create the necessary intervention to shift the energy and enliven the land. They come in spring to melt the snow and water the flower, they come in fall to rid the tree of its leaves and cool the summer air. If this card is coming up it may mean that you’re in a time of deep healing. You need the lightning and thunder, sound and light healing, to shake up and loosen any tightness or resistance. You need the heavy winds to blow open your pathway, the water to nourish and cleanse the grounds you’re journeying. Look to the Grandfather Thunderbeings when you need a refreshing boost to jumpstart your timeline.

Tobacco is the first medicine given to us from Creator. He told us to burn this medicine to communicate with him directly. We also use Tobacco to give thanks to those we work with, whether it be medicines we pick, animals we hunt, or people we pray with. Tobacco’s medicine is all about communication and prayer. If this card is coming up for you it may mean it’s time to come back to spirit. Pray more, give thanks more, and you’ll release any feelings of being stuck that may be coming in for you.  

The Tree of Peace is our reminder to that we as a people and as individual Nations have an evergreen duty to each other. This Tree of Peace is where we buried our hatchets in war times and created a covenant of unity. The message of this beautiful white pine tree is to remember that our priority should always be community over individual benefit. If this card is showing up for you it may mean there is a need to bury some hatchets, release grudges and burden, and return to peace for the betterment of the group. Revenge and retaliation will not bring peace to our people, only compromise and communication can heal our communities and empower our people.

The turtle represents our Mother Earth herself. In the Kanien’keha:ka creation story, it was the turtle who allowed Sky Woman to create the earth on her back. This is why some Indigenous Peoples say “Turtle Island” in reference to North America. Is this way, the turtle represents ancient knowings and truths. The patterns on her shell outline the 28 day and 13 moon cycle that we follow as our traditional calendar. If this card is coming up it may be a time to pay attention to patterns and cycles we are getting stuck in and connect back to our traditional teachings. What are the intentions you’re setting for the next new moon and what are you releasing during this full moon? The turtle is ancient mother and she calls us to recognize our roles, not to get caught up in the superficial. Come back home to the land.

Wahta is the sap of the maple tree that can be turned into maple syrup. There are many stories amongst many nations regarding the maple tree and generally they are a promise of a new beginning, a gift from spirit, the preparedness of spring! We know the thaw has already happened once the maple starts to drip. If this card is coming up for you it is a confirmation that a gift from spirit is on your path. There is sweetness ahead if we know where to look.

Wampum belts are the Treaties and covenants created in traditional times to remember our relationships we have with those we share the land with. Our wampums are still in effect today, like the Dish With One Spoon, The Hiawatha, or the Two Row. Our wampum belts’ intention is to have everybody be included and remember the partnerships necessary to maintain alliances and kinship. If the wampum belt is coming to you it may mean you are forgetting a promise you made or the person you made it to. Make it a priority to remember and uplift those that easily slip through the cracks. The strength of an individual is dependent on the strength of a community.

The wolf in the Kanien’keha:ka clan system is considered the teacher. She lives in large multi-generational families to maintain the ancient knowledge of survival on the land they travel. This card may be reminding you to live in harmony with your generations. Connect with the Elders and receive their teachings to bring a higher perspective to your life.

The Blanket Ceremony in Mi’gmaq culture is a ceremony done for those that are dealing with depression, suicidal ideology or other mental health issues. The intention is to have four women singing and using their fans and blankets to shake off and clear the energy of the person into the sacred fire. This medicine is all about healing ourselves of any sickness or dark feelings that may be draining us. The blanket ceremony is a time to shake up, move around, burn off, and release the things that hold us down. Connect to your medicines and the ceremonies that bring you back to life.

Our bundles are a collection of sacred items, teachings, songs, and practices that we have gathered over our lifetime. We carry our bundles with us as we journey to help us and those we interact with. If the bundle card is arriving for you it is telling you that you have everything you need in your bundle basket to approach this issue you’re facing. You are fully equipped physically, mentally, and spiritually to grow through this lesson.

Children represent our generational connections. Each generation has a responsibility as we age to ensure the future of our children is intact. The seven generation teachings are followed by many Indigenous Nations around the world. If this card comes forward for you today, you are being reminded that the future is coming. Look forward and prepare for new life.

The community smudge card was created to represent a story from Elder Roseann Martin who worked on this deck with IYR. Roseann told us of the times when she and some other Elders would all get packed up into the bed of a truck and light their biggest smudge to drive around spreading it throughout her community. This is a beautiful teaching of communal healing. The intention is to bring levity and cleansing to places that wouldn’t otherwise receive the smudge. If this card is coming up it could be telling you to look into the parts of yourself or your community that don’t typically receive your attention. See things from a fresh perspective and try to heal in new ways.

Drums & Shakers or rattles represent healing with sound. Any sound emits vibrations that help to stir up or break apart stuck energy that needs to be transmuted. If this card is coming up for you it may mean that you need to shake something up. Connect to the drum beat that is the heart beat of Mother Earth and allow this to alleviate your heart of anything you don’t need to carry on your journey anymore. Drum, shake, dance, sing, move it out!

The Eagle is said to be the messenger of Creator. Eagle is the highest-flying bird and therefore is closest to Creator. Their feathers are used in sacred practices and regalia. When we find a feather we can be sure we are on the right path. If the Eagle card comes up for you, you can rest assured that this is a big YES from Spirit! You are going in the right direction, and the sun shines down on you.

The Four Sacred Directions represent our interconnectedness with all things. We are never journeying alone because we are in harmony with all our relations. If the 4 directions card is showing up for you it is a reminder that you do not live in solitude. You are always watched, supported, and loved by all of creation. This is a time to remember your cohesion with the world around you and not let yourself get isolated by the modern world.

Sage is one of the four sacred medicines recognized by some North American Indigenous nations. Sage is the primary medicine used to smudge. Smudging is the process of allowing the smoke to transform negative or stuck energy to empower the individual or space with light. If this card is showing up for you it is a pretty clear sign that it’s time to cleanse yourself. You’re holding on to things that are only sabotaging you on your journey. Let the smoke carry away your burdens.

The Sweat Lodge is said to represent the womb of Mother Earth. When we come out of ceremony we are reborn anew. Inside this womb we pray and experience messages from the spirit world on how to engage with our life in a good way. If this card is showing up for you, it may mean that it is time for some soulful reflection and a fresh start to your inquiry.

Sweetgrass is said to be the hair of Mother Earth, we braid it and care for it with this intention in mind. Sweetgrass is one of the four sacred medicine recognized by some North American Indigenous Nations. The intention of burning sweetgrass is to bring in good vibrations and heartfelt energy. We cleanse with sage, then enliven with Sweetgrass. If this card enters your space today it tells us to allow good things to happen to us without questioning whether we deserve it or if it will leave in the end. Expect the best.

Humility, represented by the wolf, is the ability to know that you are no better than others and others are no better than you. We all live as equals and it’s important to practice this. Without humility we would live in constant fear of judgement from others because we would believe we are less than. Otherwise, we would live feeling constantly disconnected from community because we believe we are better than those around us. The teaching of humility allows us to accept all parts of ourselves, even those that feel unworthy, and to accept all people around us, even those that are different.

Bravery, represented by the bear, is a teaching of strength, confidence, and protection. The mother bear will not let anything stand between her and the safety of her cubs. And yet, she does not walk through the world being constantly aggressive. The confidence she has in her ability to protect is all the bravery she needs to face any challenge. If the bravery card is coming forward for you, it is asking you to recognize where your strengths lie. Take stock of the bravery you use on a daily basis and bask in the confidence you have to complete all your challenges.

Honesty, represented by Sabe, is a teaching of authenticity. Sabe calls us to be true to ourselves and always represents who we are regardless of naysayers or people who may be against us. To embody honesty is to live fully as who you are meant to be. Be honest with yourself and those around you and you will build true, deep connections. If this card calls to you, there may be something you’re hiding from others or even from yourself. Allow yourself to exist fully without judgement or fear and you will find a freedom like no other.

Wisdom, represented by beaver, is the choice we have every day to go through life in a good way following our teachings or to fall victim to the modern world’s lifestyle of greed, gain, and individualism. When we choose wisdom we choose, like the beaver, to work in harmony for the good of all kind. We appreciate our teachings from the Elders and we share this with the children to ensure a cyclical connection. If this card comes forward for you today then it is a reminder to choose the good road. Follow your teachings, embody them in community, and be a light for others to do the same.

Truth, represented by turtle, carries teachings of reality and understanding. When we come to terms with the truth of our situation, whatever it may be, then we can really start to take on the tasks required to work through it. If this card calls you, it may mean you’ve been living in delusion in order to comfort yourself. Release illusion and face the reality of where you are. When we connect to truth we have the power to implement our teachings and support ourself through. What are you pretending to be?

The teachings of respect, represented by buffalo, are about honor and integrity. When we walk our path in this world, we meet all things and people with respect. We appreciate all of life and treat all things with reverence. We don’t waste or harm unnecessarily. All gifts of creation must be considered. If this card is coming to you, there may be something (or someone) you’re looking over or underappreciating. Ensure that all things that come your way feel dignified when they are with you. 

The teachings of love are unconditional. There are no goals or checkboxes that must be completed to receive or give love. If this card is coming forward for you, it is a reminder that you are completely loveable exactly as you are. There is no need to change or become anything that you aren’t in order to receive eternal love from Creator. In the same breath, you are capable of loving all things, and all things are deserving of love exactly as you are. Forgive those around you for the things you see as mistakes or downfalls and offer the unconditional love that you seek from Spirit.

Spiritual. Fire energy is transformation and release. Offer your feelings and burdens to the sacred fire to be transformed into your blessings. Fire is warmth and light, two things needed by all living things for survival. Honour the hearth, the sustenance of life. If this card shows up for you it may mean a significant transformation is up ahead. Don’t be afraid to let things change.

Emotional. Water energy is cleansing and renewal. We ask the water to heal us with her sacred vibrations of life. Her connection to the cycles of the moon help us to refresh our energy and wash away any heaviness we are experiencing. If this card is coming up for you it may mean there are things that need to be cleaned up. Connect to the water teachings of your elders and let yourself be reinvigorated.

Mental. Air energy is movement and growth. The winds push us along on our journey; they keep us from being stuck in low vibrations. The smoke we smudge with uplifts our spirits and clears our minds. If the Air card is arriving for you today, you are being asked to let things go, allow yourself to keep moving beyond this that is keeping you down. Rise above.

Physical. Earth energy is grounding and stability. Mother Earth grounds and connects us to our roots. She allows us to grow in all directions while feeling stable and supported. If the Earth card arrives for you today, you are being asked to hold yourself still. Let your roots explore the earth below before you try to spread your branches to the sky. Start back at square 1 and reevaluate why you’re doing what you’re doing. Take a moment to soak up the sun and feel strong before you take the leap again.

Our Elder Brother the sun, in the Kanien’keha:ka creation story, is the right-handed twin that created all the beautiful things on this Earth. He loved the people so much that he became the sun to watch over us throughout the day. The sun sustains all living things here and is vital to any form of survival. When this teaching appears for you, it is a reminder of the immense love that Spirit has for you. Spirit wants you to live your life to the fullest and to be the happiest version of yourself. Choose love and light. Follow your heart like Mother Earth follows the Sun.

Grandmother Moon, in the Kanien’keha:ka creation story, is Sky Woman. She is who fell to the waters before the earth was created. There are many different tellings of how she became the moon, but the teaching remains that she is connected to the left-handed twin who created the opposite of the beautiful things that his brother the Sun created. Grandmother moon sees us in our darkest hour, she illuminates the night to lead us home. If her card is coming to you now, it may mean this is a time to connect to your inner self. Reflect and heal your internal struggles. You are supported by her light and love, you can do this.

The Kkuulik represents the survival of Inuit. This is what lit their home in darkness, cooked their food, and warmed their bodies. These kuuliks are passed down through generations. The moon, the animals, and the northern lights all watch as the people endure. If this card is coming forward for you, it is a reminder that you can get through this. You are supported and will recover. Get back to your basic needs of survival to sustain yourself. This may be a dark time but you will last, as have the generations before you.

Tattoos are the storytelling of many Indigenous nations, specifically Inuit in the rendering of this card. Indigenous people for millennia have used tattoos to represent who they are and where they come from. This ancestral remembrance is a call to resiliency.

The Ulu is a traditional tool used by Inuit to prepare meat and other foods. The ulu is typically used by women and it often referred to as the “woman’s tool.” The teachings it carries relate to the generational mothering required for this type of survival. This card coming forward for you may mean it is time to connect to the woman who taught you in your youth. A mother, an auntie, a grandmother, a friend, whoever it is. Connect to the feminine side of yourself and honour those teachings in a way that is life giving.

Caribou are a main source of food for many Nations. They are an integral part of the life cycle and are a signal of the season to come. When the caribou card crosses your path, it is a sign to take heed of what is ahead. When the caribou are abundant for harvesting the winter will be comfortable, but when they are scarce the people must prepare. Are you acting from an abundant or scarcity mindset?

Arctic Char are an abundant food source for Inuit and other Arctic Nations. Food sharing is one of the most sustained traditional values amongst these Nations. Social gatherings related to food or hunting is an integral part of the lifestyle. When the arctic char visits you, it is a reminder to connect with your circles. Eating together and sharing familiarity feeds the soul and the belly.

Killer Whales are connected to many stories of Indigenous Nations from coast to coast to coast. As far as these animals travel the oceans, they have become a part of life for all those that encounter them. These animals are incredibly intelligent and remind us to maintain humility when interacting with life around us. Do not underestimate their size or mental capacity, or you will be quickly taught a lesson. If this card comes forward it is a reminder not to underrate what is being shown to you. You may not see or understand the full picture as of right now, but there is a reason for all moves being made.

Drum dancing is a traditional dance technique of Inuit in which they move in sync with a very large ring drum. Drum dancing is a way of connection and celebration with community. If this card calls to you, then it is time to rejoice! Dance and joy go hand in hand. Celebrate your winnings, and be supported by community members. Revel and unite!

The Northern Lights have many depictions amongst arctic Indigenous Nations all over the world. In essence though, they usually represent the ancestors. Whether they are dancing in the sky or watching from above, they are here to teach us. If this card is coming forward for you it is a message that there is more than what you are seeing. Look up. See the signs and the messages that your ancestors have been sending you.

Gratitude is a necessity of life. It is optimism, recognition, grace, and praise. If this card is appearing for you today it is a reminder to reflect on what you can be grateful for now rather than what you are yearning for in the future.
Two Spirit is a term used to represent gender diverse Indigenous Peoples. They are the carriers of the teachings of duality and inclusion. If this card is appearing to you today you may be being called to see things in a new way. Acknowledge and understand multiple truths. Open your consciousness to exist beyond the boundaries.

The Seeds represent our intentions. What we want from the world and what we want to do in the world. When this card arrives it is asking you to clearly define what seeds you are planting, consciously and subconsciously. What actions are you watering and allowing to thrive? What actions are you ignoring and forcing to live in darkness?

Clear Quartz is one of the most abundant crystals or minerals that Mother Earth creates. It’s energy is that of amplification and clarity. Clear quartz helps to raise vibrations, intentions, and all energy. If this card comes to you it is not time to quiet down or keep it to yourself. Be loud, be proud, and show up as your most authentic self.

Smokey Quartz is similar to the energy of a smoke cleanse. It can help us to clear through heavy or thick blockages in aura. It can also help to see through the mist of our physical world and connect to the spirit world. If smokey quarts is coming up for you today then it may mean this is a time to bridge the gap between you and your spirit guides. Clear things out and push past your walls.

Amethyst is a stone of mental wellbeing. Amethyst helps us to calm and quiet the mind in times of anxiety or stress. It helps to remove us from mental cycles that we find ourselves stuck in like overthinking or trauma. If the amethyst card is coming forward it may mean that it is time to evaluate what cycles we are stuck in and how we can rise above into our highest timeline.

Labradorite was originally found in Labrador, Canada. There are many stories associated with Labradorite and the northern lights amongst Indigenous Nations in the area. Like the northern lights, Labradorite helps us to connect to our ancestors. It represents the protection and guidance we can receive through prayer or meditation. If this card shows up for you today, it is time to come back to the teachings of your ancestors. They have messages and help to offer you, learn how to listen and receive.

The Artists

  • Panigaq, Inuvik Native Band, Designs; Drum Dancing, Tattoos, Kuulik
  • Myth, Mohawks of Kanesatake, Designs; Tobacco, Wolf, Sky Dome, Strawberries, Cedar, Wahtah
  • Jade Roberts, La Lac Ronde Indian Band, Designs; Fire, Water, Air, Earth, Sun, Moon
  • Storm Angeconeb, Lac Seul First Nation, Designs; Sweetgrass, Sage, Eagle, Bundle, Drums & Shakers
  • Raven Sutherland, Lake Saint Martin First Nation, Designs; Gratitude, Two-Spirit, Seeds, Clear Quartz, Smokey Quartz, Amethyst, Labradorite
  • Marissa Indoe, Chapleau Ojibwe First Nation, Designs; Back of card, Ulu, Caribou, Arctic Char, Killer Whale, Northern Lights
  • Hunter Dewache, Kitigan-Zibi Anishinabeg, Designs; Community Smudge, Four Directions, Children, Sweat Lodge, Blanket Ceremony
  • Kaiénte:ri McGregor, Mohawks of Kahnawake, Designs; Garden, Bear, Turtle, Tree of Peace, Thunder Beings, Wampum
  • Micaela Gilbert, Sagkeeng First Nation, Designs; Humility, Love, Wisdom, Truth, Honesty, Respect, Bravery