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Indigenous Youth Policy School Cohort 4: Post-Program Survey (2024)
Indigenous Youth Policy School Cohort 4: Post-Program Survey (2024)
Survey Questionnaire
If you would like to chat with staff about any of your feedback, please provide your email:
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Please note this will mean that this survey is no longer anonymous, however responses will still only be shared with CRE's Policy and Data & Evaluation staff.
Section 1: General
In which age range do you fall into?
Prefer not to say
In which Policy School cohort were you a part of?
Prefer not to say
In general, how motivated do you feel pursuing your personal and professional interests?
Not at all motivated
Slightly motivated
Moderately motivated
Quite motivated
Very motivated
How did your experience with the Policy School improve your motivation? If your motivation level didn’t improve, what was missing from Policy School to increase your level of motivation?
How would you rate your current level of knowledge about policy?
Very limited
When you applied for IYPS, you explained the issues that affect the future of Indigenous youth. After completing the program, how confident do you feel that you will be able to create change in these issues in your lifetime?
Very confident
Quite confident
Moderately confident
Quite confident
Very confident
How satisfied do you currently feel with your level of connection with other Indigenous youth?
Very dissatisfied
Very satisfied
How likely are you to recommend the Indigenous Youth Policy School to your friends, colleagues, or family members?
0 - Very unlikely
10 - Very likely
Second 2: Launch Weekend & Program Curriculum
Before attending the launch weekend, how prepared did you feel based on the resources and information provided by IYR Staff?
1 - Not at all prepared
2 - Slightly prepared
3 - Fairly prepared
4 - Well prepared
5 - Fully prepared
What was your favorite part of the launch weekend?
Looking back after completing the program, was anything missing from the launch weekend that would have made a difference in your overall program experience?
What is the most valuable thing you learned this year from the IYPS program?
Think about this scenario: You have been hired by IYR as the Indigenous Youth Policy School curriculum editor (congratulations)! Upon starting your new role, what is the first thing you would change about the course content or program curriculum?
Were you satisfied with the opportunities you had to connect with participants in other cohorts this year? If not, what would have helped?
Were you satisfied with the opportunities you had to connect with participants in other cohorts this year? If not, what would have helped?
To what extent do you agree with the following statements?
Strongly disagree
Strongly agree
The program content was easy to understand
My facilitator was able to relate the program content to topics relevant to my life, experiences and interests?
Do you feel that there was a benefit to having regional speakers present in some sessions? Please explain.
Section 3: Graduation Weekend
What did you enjoy the most about attending the IYPS graduation in Ottawa?
Is there anything you would have changed about the graduation programming?
Did you enjoy the hackathon as a final project/capstone to the policy school?
Did you feel you had enough time to prepare for the hackathon?
Did you find the materials/resources provided useful to completing your project?
Did your facilitator provide you with enough support during the hackathon process?
How has the entire IYPS experience impacted you?
To what extent do you agree with the following statement?
Strongly disagree
Strongly agree
The IYPS was inclusive and accessible across its activities and resources
The IYR staff were approachable and helpful throughout the program
Thanks for filling out the survey! Do you have anything else to share?
I agree with the Privacy & Consent Statement
Thank you for participating in this online survey to assess the reach of our activities. IYR will share the results of this survey in a highly aggregated report (no unique identification) to our program funder.
Your participation in this survey is voluntary. You may refuse to take part in this survey, skip questions or exit the survey at any time without penalty.
You will receive no benefits from participating in this online survey, but your responses will help us improve the program. There are no foreseeable risks involved in participating in this online survey..
If you feel you have not been treated according to the descriptions in this statement, or that your rights as a an evaluation participant have not been honored during the course of this program, or you have any questions, concerns, or complaints that you wish to address, please contact IYR’s Privacy Officer James Arruda at
You may print a copy of this consent for your records. Clicking on the “Agree” button indicates that: You have read the above statement; You voluntarily agree to participate.
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