Two-Spirit Indigiqueer Community Consultations
This summer, our Culture and Wellness team will be hosting a series of Two-Spirit and Indigiqueer virtual community consultation sessions with youth aged 18-29 from coast to coast to coast.
In the past, we have developed Two-Spirit programming led and guided by Two Spirit youth and community facilitators, including the Virtual Two Spirit Regalia Making Skills program and Digital Constellations Mentorship. We want to honour the perspectives and needs of our communities in our approach and involvement.
Culture and Wellness staff will be hosting and facilitating these virtual sessions, and youth will be invited to share their thoughts about the two programs IYR has previously run. We want to hear about what is working, identify gaps, and learn more about what makes for a thriving Two-Spirit & Indigiqueer community. We’re also looking to learn more about how we can run programs in parallel to other Two-Spirit & Indigiqueer programs and Two-Spirit & Indigiqueer specific organizations.
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You can find more information about these programs below.