Our Community Advisory Circle (CAC)

helps advise on our Community Relations and Solidarity Departments’s (CRSD) programs, program policies, and activities through the implementation of a sound governance system based on Indigenous governance teachings and rooted in community accountability to ensure that CRSD is community-informed.

The CAC serves in an advisory capacity, making recommendations on matters that impact the experiences of communities and youth. The CAC will have opportunities to consult with the IYR team when invited to participate in discussions on programs, program policies, and activities. The CAC collaborates with CRSD team members to advise and consult on specific matters.

The Community Relations and Solidarity department acts as the liaison between the CAC and the rest of the IYR team.

Community Advisory Circle Responsibilities

  • Providing advice to IYR & the Board;
  • Working thoughtfully & purposely towards building consensus;
  • Supporting the development of IYR’s Strategic Plans;
  • Respecting other CAC members’ perspectives and holding space for all voices at the table;
  • Providing feedback to IYR directors & the Board on program charters, including highlighting gaps or necessary enhancements, ensuring programs are in line with Indigenous knowledge and practices, and ensuring programs are relevant to the communities they are serving;
  • Working collaboratively and positively to support IYR growth & program delivery;
  • Reviewing IYR’s annual plans;
  • Representing voices from community members who do not sit as part of the circle;
  • Attending all scheduled meetings whenever possible.