The Throne Speech marks the beginning of the new parliamentary session – it means that [...]


The Throne Speech marks the beginning of the new parliamentary session – it means that everyone elected during the last election can officially get back to work.

The content of the speech reflects the plan for how the government will enact the promises it made during the election campaign. The last throne speech was in October 2020, and was largely focused on getting through and recovering from the pandemic.

The speech is assembled by the governing party (in this case, Justin Trudeau’s Liberals) and then delivered by the Governor General.

Les points saillants de ce numéro sont les suivants :

  • Le discours du Trône : le contexte
  • Points saillants du discours
  • Les points de vue et les prochaines étapes de la CRE

Lire le rapport complet

Read the other CRE Explains here.

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