Indigenous land and food sovereignty is the act of returning to and following our Natural Laws. Indigenous youth have the voice and power to lead our communities to healthy and thriving nations. Join us in hearing the perspectives of Indigenous youth on Indigenous food and land sovereignty!
- When: Wednesday, October 25 at 6:00 pm – 7:00 pm ET
- Where: Online (Register to get Zoom link)
Meet the panellists:
Chelsey Purdy (she/her)
Chelsey Purdy is a member of Wasoqopa’q (pronounced wah-so-koh-bah) First Nation and grew up in Kespuwick (pronounced ges-pu-wick), Mi’kma’ki (Nova Scotia, Canada). She is a registered dietitian and works with the Union of Nova Scotia Mi’kmaq supporting the 13 Mi’kmaw communities in her province with food programming, education, and policy. In her work, Chelsey aims to support Mi’kmaw communities with identifying and building on individual and communal strengths that can support improved self-determined control over food. Chelsey also recently defended her MSc thesis titled: Remembering our Past to Influence the Future: A Photovoice Project on Access to Food with Indigenous Peoples Living with HIV/AIDS in Mi’kma’ki. In this project, participants took photos representing past, present, and future access to food, and identified the need to remember and reclaim cultural and spiritual values to support food access into the future.
Terri Cardinal (@terrisabel)
Jessica Frappier (she/her | @jessfrapps)
Jessica Frappier is Anishinaabe from Temagami First Nation in northeastern Ontario. She is currently pursuing a law degree in the joint program in common law and Indigenous legal orders at the University of Victoria. She holds a BA in Indigenous Environmental Studies from Trent University. She is passionate about upholding Indigenous laws and sovereignty and hopes to continue to participate in this important work in the future.
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Creation (Impact & Granting)