Alyssa McIntyre,
Creation Advisory Circle Member
Alyssa McIntyre (she/ her/ they) is Anishinaabe from Georgina Island First Nation with mixed settler ancestry. She is currently residing in Mi’kma’ki, where they have been living for the last seven years. They have weaved in and out of academia, studying environmental science and nutrition, with a passion for the intersections between the land, food sovereignty, resurgence and emergence, identity and health, before realizing birthwork was central to all of those interests.
Alyssa is now working and learning as a community full spectrum birth worker and cares deeply about supporting people to receive the care they need and deserve, as defined by them. In her free time she enjoys reading, growing her own food and medicines, spending time in the water, cooking yummy meals, and dreaming about ways we can collectively shape change and craft communities of care in the face of ongoing colonization. She has enjoyed exploring policy in relation to birthwork, reproductive justice and care and has come to view policy as a potential tool for change and world building, through participating in the Indigenous Policy School with CRE. She is looking forward to working with CRE and other Indigenous youth to learn more about all of the incredible, youth-led projects being funded through the CREation grant streams!