
Arizona Commanda-Boissoneau,


Grant Coordinator

Aaniin/Boozhoo Inendawaymahgannadok! Waasaygiizhik-kwe ndizhnikaaz. Ketegaunseebee miinwaa Nbisiing ndoonjiba. Name ndodem. Ojibway-Anishnaabe-kwe ndaaw.

Arizona Commanda-Boissoneau is a queer, Ojibway-Anishinaabe-kwe from Garden River First Nation and Nipissing First Nation who belongs to the sturgeon clan. Arizona is currently studying for her Bachelor of Social Work at Trent University and is a graduate of the Indigenous Community and Social Development program at Georgian College. She has experience in the field of mental health and enjoys working with the community. Throughout her education and work, Arizona stays inspired by Anishinaabe teachings that have been shared with her. As The Network Coordinator, Arizona is excited to work with and empower Indigenous youth along their journeys. In her spare time, Arizona enjoys reading books, watching movies, cuddling with Giizis (her cat), and creating art through sewing, beading, and jingle dress dancing.
