Sharing Stories for Solidarity  CRE’s Sharing Stories for Solidarity is a program aimed at creating [...]


Sharing Stories for Solidarity

 CRE’s Sharing Stories for Solidarity is a program aimed at creating cross-cultural dialogue on the topics of identity, community, reconciliation, solidarity, and decolonization. During this excursion participants will get a chance to tour the Batoche National Historic Site which was the site of a historic battle during the Northwest Resistance, making it a region significant to Metis and Canadian history. The event will open and close with sharing circles where participants will get a chance to share and learn from each other’s stories.When: Monday June 19th, 10:15am-6pm.

How: Register for Visit to Batoche or email
Where: Batoche is about 1 hour outside of Saskatoon. Bus will depart from the University of Saskatchewan
Who can attend: open to everyone free of charge but minors must be accompanied by an adult
Schedule for the day
10:15am – Participants will meet on campus for registration and introductions
11:00 – bus to Batoche
12:10 – arrive and check in
12:15 to 12:45 – lunch
12:45 to 4:15 – tour
4:15 to 4:45 – debrief/sharing circle
4:45 – depart
6:00 – arrive back at campus

*Please note:

  • tour will take place rain or shine so please dress accordingly and bring your own water bottles
  • light lunch will be provided
  • tour is 3.5 hours long and will be on foot
  • site is wheelchair accessible with gravel paths (except for one second story room)
  • participants will be asked to sign participation waivers on the date
  • welcome and sharing circles may touch on topics of colonialism, reconciliation, resistance, identity, culture, Indigenous-settler relations, and others that may cause discomfort or defensiveness. We ask that participants come with an open heart and mind and be willing to recognize and respect the experiences of others

This event is made possible by Inspirit Foundation, the Community Initiatives Fund, the University of Saskatchewan, and the Government of Canada

For More Information