Our group consists of Indigenous youth from grades 9-12. For our project, we are focused on community building, environmental restoration, and cultural activities.
To highlight the work Creation Grantees are doing in their communities, the Creation Community Grants Team sends out Q&A forms so they can share their experiences creating and carrying out their projects. Today we are featuring responses from Lindsay Lockhart, Charlie Rice, David Tum and Nola Hunt.
Community: Colwood, British Colombia
Grant Type: Youth Empowerment Stream (May 2023)
Q : Tell us about your group and project!
A : Our group consists of Indigenous youth from grades 9-12. For our project, we are focused on community building, environmental restoration, and cultural activities.
“We also recognize that many of us may feel a sense of disconnect to our Ancestral homelands due to ongoing colonization, so we aim to find home and connection to our roots wherever we call home today.”
Q: As the youth running the project, what impact do you hope it will have?
A : Our WEXES Indigenous Youth Wellness project supports long term wellness through cultural practices, arts, and connection to the land.
Q : What is something you have learned?
A : Throughout this project, we have learned that relationships, connections, and cultural continuity are integral to supporting Indigenous youth in our school. Specifically, we have noticed that our program has helped to foster youth relationships, creating meaningful friendships and a sense of belonging and community.
“Throughout this project, we have learned that relationships, connections, and cultural continuity are integral to supporting Indigenous youth in our school.”
Q: What is your favourite moment from running your project?
A : One of our favourite moments was making drums with community members and Elders.
Feedback from participants:
The students really enjoy spending time together, eating cultural foods, doing cultural arts, and learning from Elders.